Midterms, strep and line dancing

Finally this horrible day is over. I felt better this morning, and I was prepared and ready to do the two midterms. But no, the first one went to hell and it will turn out as a big fat F. I had solved so many problems before and I felt that I knew everything. But then I see the test. I couldn’t solve a single one of the problems. I tried and I did write on some of them, but I don’t think I even wrote enough to get 50%. Most of it was because I usually sit for a while (since all the tests in Sweden always are four or five hours long) and try to figure it out. And most of the times I do that, but after thinking about the problem for sometimes 40 minutes. There was one problem today I tried doing that with and I figured it out ten minutes before the test ended, and I did not have enough time to write it all down. I am gonna talk to the professor about it. I did study, a lot, for this exam. And I don’t wanna get an F because he formulated the questions weirdly and gave us too many big problems. It is not fair.

I went to the second midterm where I sat down next to George, he asked how it went and I just looked at him and he totally understood what my face meant. Fortunately the architecture history one went better. I think it even went better than the last one. But we will see.

My next stop for the day was the Health Center and I was in and out in 20 minutes. The doctor told me that all my symptoms and the fact that I’ve been sick on and off for five weeks points towards mono. So I took a strep test and a mono test and later in the afternoon the doctor called me and told me it wasn’t mono (apparently you can have that several times by the way), but I had very high levels of white blood cells which means a bacterial infection, most likely strep. So I got penicillin and in a couple of days I should be fine. If it’s not better by Monday I will have to go back and take more tests for other things I guess. I have been feeling great today, my throat still hurts a bit, but it’s not as much as yesterday when I almost skipped class because I was crying from the pain.

The last four hours of my long day of horror (I had the exact same day three weeks ago)  was writing on the lab report. We handed it in 6 minutes before deadline which is the closest I’ve ever handed something in before.

It felt so great after. I didn’t even mind riding my bike home in the rain after. Yes, it’s been raining the whole day, just a drizzle, but definitely enough to get me wet.

I went home, did laundry and then headed to The Grad where there was a line dancing lesson for a while. It was fun, but way to hard. I don’t know if it is because I am sick and my coordination is the worst or if I am just not meant for dancing. After that I was just sitting down and watched everyone. It looks fun, but to know all those different dances will take time and I don’t have the ambition to put that much time into something. Maybe when I am older.

It was loud there so every time I talked to someone it made my throat worse and at the end I didn’t talk to anyone because my throat was on fire. Eventually me and Kelsey went home and stopped at SloDoCo on the way home to get some donuts. It’s dangerous having a 24/7 donut shop so close. But it was good.

Now I am home, coughing more than I have in three weeks and it sucks. I should probably go to bed and read some. I so look forward to tomorrow when I can sleep for as long as I can! Can’t wait!!

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