Hello “dead week”

I realized tonight that I have more due this week. My list is so long now! Monday: Transportation group project meeting at 9am, Transportation homework due at noon, Sustainable Environments group project meeting sometime in the afternoon. Tuesday: Transportation midterm (based on the homework I still haven’t done and don’t understand at all). Wednesday: Sustainable Environments project is due. Thursday: Transportation project due + presentation, Transportation lab FINAL and 2 page paper due (we get the assignment on Tuesday evening). Finals week will be nothing compared to “dead week”. Thursday evening couldn’t come sooner…

Today I gave the homework a real shot, but I seriously couldn’t solve a single problem. I am screwed. If I mess this homework and midterm up I will have to ace the extra credit assignment (which is pretty much Greek as well). No one’s been home this week so I couldn’t ask anyone either. Sucky situation. If I don’t get a C in this class I won’t be able to take Public Transportation next quarter and I really want to take that one. I’m sure it will work out the way it is supposed. If I don’t get that class I will probably have to take more Environmental Engineering classes which won’t be too bad either I guess. And even if I am on the wait list to Urban Planning I’ve heard that it’s not too hard getting into it when classes start. Nope, not worth worrying about now.

I started my study guide for the final in the lab I have on Thursday. That was the most productive thing I did today. I really hope I can get some help from Eric and Johann with the homework a after we put together our presentation. I am a bit worried for the first time in a long time to be honest.

Now I really need to go to bed! Hello no-life for a week…

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